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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Good Weight Loss Habits That Help You Easily Manage Your Weight

I am going to share some good weight loss habits that you can begin using today to help manage your weight with ease. Too often we think that we have to follow a complicated and complex diet and exercise program in order to be successful at losing however it is often the simple changes that we find we can stick with and that ultimately get us to our goal. If you can take just a couple of minutes right now to read this article you will see just how easy getting good habits can be.

Good Weight Loss Habits

1. Keep a food journal. A study showed that participants who kept a food journal over a six month period lost 2 times more weight then those who did not. Let's face it, you make better eating decisions when you know you have to be accountable and write it down.

2. Start your day with breakfast. Start your day with breakfast. If you think about the word you will see that this is literally "breaking the fast" that you went through during the night and since your metabolism is on the rise in the morning you will use up your breakfast foods for energy instead of storing them as fat.

3. Eat protein with every meal. You want to keep your blood sugar even to prevent peaks and valleys in your hunger. Protein breaks down slowly and helps keep your blood sugar steady.

4. Start a salad habit. By automatically having a small side salad with every lunch and dinner and eating it first you fill your stomach with fiber, provide your body with much needed nutrients and you will be less likely to overeat your higher calorie main meal.

You can easily develop good weight loss habits and this article shares a few that will help you manage your weight and even lose weight.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weightloss Soup

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