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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

4 Simple Weight Loss Exercises to Burn Away the Calories

Good weight loss exercises are those which help in burning calories, muscle building and weight management. But you should be careful as exercising too much can lead to injuries and burn out. So keep in mind to start slowly and build up the momentum and intensity in a gradual manner. Moderation is the key.

Here is a short list of useful exercises for weight loss which should be easy for a beginner who is aspiring to shed off his/her extra pounds:

1. Walking - This is a very easy which can be quite effective if one sticks to it. Ideally you should try to walk for atleast 40 minutes a day, 4 days in a week. You may be pleasantly surprised with the results after few days. What's more is that there are other health benefits you can get out of this simple activity - benefits like reduced risk of heart diseases, diabetes or high blood pressure.

2. Swimming - Swimming can be such fun and a wonderful exercise. Start slowly at first and focus on only a few strokes initially. Practicing for 25-30 minutes for about 3 days in a week can result in light shedding of weight.

3. Running - Running can burn calories very fast. Both walking and running produce endorphins and brain chemicals, which can give us the feeling of happiness as well as confidence.

4. Water aerobics - You can practice water aerobics if you don't know how to swim. It is also a very fine exercise and creates resistance on all your moves.

These are quick weight loss exercises which even busy people can easily fit into their schedule and perform regularly. If you are really serious about losing weight, then you should be able to stick to them even if you are a very busy person.

Just make a commitment to yourself for exercising atleast 3 days a week. Then follow the above mentioned exercises and see how much change you can notice in yourself.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Most Effective

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