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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Goals and Quick Weight Loss

Do you believe that a quick weight loss is possible for you?

Do you think that Goals and Quick Weight Loss go together? You bet they do.

The question is do we really want to lose weight. Many start out to lose a certain amount of pounds but few finish the course.

Motivation is a vital factor in loosing weight . We need to get motivated to accomplish our goal. We need an over all goal, but that is not enough. If you want to lose, for example, fifty pounds then that would be your long term goal. After you set a long term goal then you need to set smaller goals.

For example your first quick weight loss goal might be two pounds a week which ads up to eight pounds a month. Set goals that are easy to make. Then stay on course for loosing eight pounds of weight a month. In five months you have lost forty pounds. Just six weeks more and you have accomplished your goal of fifty pounds.

It is best if you could join or start a group of people who would have the same goals and stay with you on your eating program. You could weigh in together. That helps you to stay on target towards your quick weight loss.

There is no question in my mind that when you are in a common-minded, supportive group, that announcing your goals and enlisting the encouragement and support of other people on the same path of loosing as you are is one of the most important things you can do.

You can have an action plan but unless you follow through daily it will not happen. You must decide you are serious and set measurable goals and set dates, specific definable goals for that quick weight loss.

For More Related Topics Blog: Unexplained Weightloss

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